Author: Shoo
Emotions from a one year old
Some days are just not your day. I had Grayson in the backyard going around in the wagon and he got very upset with me when the wagon stopped.
Grayson’s mustache birthday party
Grayson turned 1 at the beginning of the month. Here it’s almost the end and I’m finally getting the photos online. In pretty much the same way the past year has been a busy one, this month was no different. Mrs. Shoo kept asking me what kind of ‘party’ we should have for Grayson. He…
Grayson – 1 Year
This is actually a week late, but it has been a busy couple of weeks at the Shoo household. We’re going to use to our benefit that Grayson can’t count or tell time in celebrating his birthday a week late. I have lots and lots of photos of the little guy, so I tried to…
Grayson and the great pumpkin patch
We took Grayson out to the Bomke Pumpkin Patch. The whole family had a great time, but I think the little guy had the most. First of all, there were all these orange things to pick up and play with. And his favorite thing in the world. Wagon rides. A little hay maze. Mom had…
The Shoo Family Gains A Member
Photos – Ed Scheufele David and Angela were married in Jamaica two weeks ago. This weekend everyone got together for the wedding reception. Above Angela with her grandfather, father, husband, father-in-law, and grandfather-in law. Photo – Matt Penning The Shoo Family was dressed for the occasion. Even Grayson was sporting his best. My dad and his…
A look back in Instagram for the week
Buggin’ it up.
Grayson has been developing by leaps and bounds the last couple of weeks. He’s mastered ‘ma-ma’,’da-da’, and ‘ba-ba.’ Now he’s started clicking. This is more than likely inspired by his Bob-pa who makes a trotting / clicking noise whenever he’s on his rocking horse. He’s also working on tooth number 3. This little guy is…
Can’t say ‘da-da’
Dad doesn’t get any love. He’s been saying “da-da” the last couple of days then completely gave up on me. “Bob-pa” is his grandpa.
Living Room Floor
The carpet in the living room has needed to be taken up for a long time now. Somehow today was the day to do it. Before: There were a ton of staples to be yanked out. The blister in my palm will thank me tomorrow. After: Cell phone pic and this was before we put…