Author: Shoo
Book worm
We’ve just passed the 2 month mark and man has the little boy grown. Some of the things he’s picked up on: He’s starting mimic us with coo’s. We can coo and he will follow with a coo. Doesn’t do it every time, but he is pretty consistent. Neck muscles are getting stronger. He no longer…
Nerdy Xmas Gifts
We’re setting up our little boy to be the nerdiest kid on the block. These are the books that I’m giving Grayson for Xmas.
2 Months
Week 6
It’s hard to believe that the little guy is already 6 weeks old. He’s putting on weight and doesn’t feel like a fragile doll. He’s starting to focus on us and develop all around. Even better we have a consistent bed time. Our parenting milestone was a couple of weeks ago when we realized that we weren’t…
1 Month Quick Update
The little dude is one month and a day. Man, it’s hard to keep up and try to blog about him at the same time. Because of a lack of sleep and the possibility to relieve Mrs. Shoo from rocking duty, I will do this blog in list form. We (me and Mrs) miss sleep.…
Family and friends
Things are finally starting to get some rhythm around the Shoo household. Grayson is starting to sleep longer, the dogs are no longer freaked out by baby, and I’m back at work. Now that I’ve got some time, here are some of the photos that I’ve been meaning to post.
2AM Parties
We’re getting into a routine but we’ve discovered that our little boy likes to party at 2am. He’s more of a rock star than his parents. Hopefully we can ween him of this bad habit soon. Or else, we’re grounding him to his crib for the next 18 years.
Week 1
It’s hard to believe that it has already been a week. I think we can say that it has been scientifically proven by the Shoo family, when you have kids, time flies. I’ve gone from never changing a diaper to being able to slap one on the kid faster than a Nascar pit stop. Grayson…