

Author: Shoo

  • Introducing….

    The last post on this blog was exactly from one week ago. That night I sat down to write out a short entry. We had just been to the hospital earlier that day on a false start. That night when Mrs. Shoo told me that the contractions were getting stronger again. I was a little…

  • Watch dog

    Clancy has been Mrs. Shoo’s shadow this week. He has been eerily weird. Not being able to stay in one place, getting as close as possible to Mrs., wanting to explore the house. We think he understands the gig is up as the “baby” of the family. In fact, right now he’s pacing the basement…

  • Still waiting…

    Bug, dude, you have 4 days left and then we’re kicking you out.

  • Peanut-butter dogs

    This is what happens when you leave me to watch dogs. Same could be said about kids.

  • Just a couple of weeks left

    Just a couple of weeks left before there’s another one to be included in this family portrait. I was the photographer for my friend’s wedding this weekend. It was a great location out in the country. I handed my camera to my friend and had him take a couple of me and Mrs. Seems like…

  • Furry kids

    Buddy Clancy They always say practice on dogs first before having your own kids. We’re hoping they trained us enough for what is coming.

  • Pizza

    Pizza from tonight. The summer after I graduated high school I worked at Vic’s Pizza. The one that was off of Wabash Ave. It was a horrible hot job. I learned the value of making a good pizza and not working in a 120 degree kitchen. And that would be why tonight’s dinner was delicious.

  • Less than

    a month to go… She looks great. Can’t wait for the little guy to get here!

  • Photos from the summer