

Category: Grayson

  • Sup, ladies.

  • Rocks and stuff

    Grayson has no lack of energy. He is all dirt, rocks, and get-up-and-go till he’s in bed. It takes over a 100 shots to get a few good ones. Good thing digital is cheap.

  • Sonic

    This is actually from back in August. This kid loves ice cream. He got that from both of his parents.  

  • Reflektor

    I found the connector.

  • Running the streets

    Tonight was the perfect night to go outside and play. Grayson got to hang out with the neighbor kids and get a couple wagon rides. I shot everything with my 50mm prime lens. It’s hard to frame a photo when you got a kid that won’t stop but it produces some great photos. Grayson has…

  • New Haircut

    This weekend, I got the privilege of taking Grayson to get a haircut. He has a history of crying at all of his haircuts. I thought it would be different with me. Well, we can dream, can’t we? Before: During: After: He looks like a totally new kid. Mom was a little upset with how…

  • Swinging

    Last year he loved the swings. This year we can barely get him on them. We’ve now made a break through where he wants to get on the swing, but wants no help pushing or latching the buckle. Some times he will even get off the swing, push it, then try to get back on…

  • Sprinkler Time

    This summer we’ve discovered that kids love sprinklers. Over the weekend Grayson went over to the R’s for some fun with Colbie and Archer. Grayson waiting for the other kids to come out and play.Aka the underwear magazine pose. You don’t know how hard it is to pose toddlers for a picture. The R’s had…

  • Adults don’t roll down hills

    You’ll want to watch this one all the way through. @mrsshoo does a trick.