Author: shoo
Lolla – the dino years.
Lollapallooza has been a concert festival that I’ve been frequenting since 2007. Almost a 100,000 people a day, 150 bands over the course of 3 days, and a great time. Above, Ed, Josh, me, and Danny the Dino. Will introduce Danny further down. More fun added to the picture. Chrissy and Rocio. Ed and Danny.…
Let’s go to the zoo!
Today the Shoo family took a trip down to the St. Louis Zoo. Grayson has actually been to the Springfield Zoo a couple of times and enjoyed it each time. We thought it was time we expanded his animal knowledge. That and his parents really enjoyed it too. Ready to see the animals. Was not…
10 months and counting.
Our little guy is 10 months old. Really. Like really. So in the past month he has said “mama” and “dada.” Said “mama” first, but said “dada” the next day and then completely forgot how to say “dada.” Lately we’ve heard a lot of “ba-ba-ma-ba.” The blame can be pointed to his Grandpa Bob who…
9 Months
A lot can happen in a month, especially with a growing little guy. The other day he took his first 1-2-3 steps. They weren’t big steps and for the most part he did because he was focused on something else. We’ve also heard a lot of babbling. “Ma ma ma ma” is a phrase that…
Beef tenderloin, it’s what’s for dinner.
Mrs. Shoo the other day brought home a 3lb beef tenderloin home. Other than it was on sale, she had no other reason. It was a huge piece of beef that really perplexed this occasional steaks, dogs, and burgers griller. In the words of Barney from HIMYM, “Challenge accepted.” Like any man in the modern age,…
Dear Grayson – 8 Months
Dear Grayson, You’re almost 8 months old. Incredible to think a year ago you were just this “bug” inside your mommy’s belly. We were full of anticipation and wonder to see what you’d be like. Little boy, you’ve turned our world upside down. In a good way of course. You smile all the time. This…
Bath Time
Grayson is a big fan of bath time. Even when the day seems not to be his best, bath time brings out the smiles and splashes. He loves to play with his rubber ducky and a Monty’s cup. Never cries when we rinse him off and gets excited when he sees the shampoo. Tonight he…
Time for bed
I was going to try to do a longer video, but the little guy was really fussy tonight. Fussy and an expensive camera don’t mix well. Take this as a video memento.
Food Is Fun
We’ve been really busy trying to keep up with the little man lately. He’s crawling (in a Quasimodo sort of way, dragging one of his legs behind him) and pulling himself up with anything he can get a hold of. That’s made for quite a few tumbles and several bruises. He’s also been experimenting with…