Clancy has been Mrs. Shoo’s shadow this week. He has been eerily weird. Not being able to stay in one place, getting as close as possible to Mrs., wanting to explore the house. We think he understands the gig is up as the “baby” of the family. In fact, right now he’s pacing the basement while I type. He will stop by me every once in a while for a greeting. The anxiety is killing him.
Bud, on the other hand, has been a bump on the log. He’s upstairs on the couch curled up in a blanket. For a Ying, there must be Yang. He’s the calm one ready to spring into action. He’s always been the laid back guard dog.
So like our respective pooches, Mrs. is getting nervous. Timing her contractions, Googling symptoms, and has Mom on speed dial. I’m typing this blog when I should probably be getting a hospital bag packed, making sure all of our i-electronic devices are charged and ready to go. Hey, someone has to remain calm, right Bud?