

Category: The Family

  • Shoo Family Munising 2024 Trip

    Shoo Family Munising 2024 Trip

    Just call us a bunch of ‘Yoopers’, don’tcha know! This was our third trip up to the UP (Upper Peninsula), and the second checking out Munising and Pictured Rocks. We’ve enjoyed the Great Lakes’ hiking, food, biking, and cooler weather temps. This time we went with my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew. We saw lots of…

  • Michigan – Family Trip 2020

    Michigan – Family Trip 2020

    Alt Title: It could have been worse. Dear reader. This trip was taken during the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic. We as a family wore face masks in all public places. Avoided crowds as much as possible. We’re home now and spending time in self isolation. We plan to get tested. Stay safe. Wear a face mask.…

  • Costa Rica: Part 3 – Sloths!

    Costa Rica: Part 3 – Sloths!

    If you know Sarah at all, you’ll know that she has a slight obsession with sloths. She calls them her spirit animal. Fact: Sloths have a nasty bite. We were just 30 minutes from a Sloth Sanctuary. Of course we had to go. The purpose of the sloth sanctuary is to rehabilitate injured or abandoned…

  • Costa Rica: Part 2 – Grayson

    Although you may have to deal with “I am hungry”, “Are we there yet?”, “Can we go?” “When are we going to be there?”, travelling with a kid is kind of fun. Grayson has plugged into several YouTubers and he is adapted their style. Here are his Grayson2HD videos.

  • Costa Rica – Part 1: Cahuita

    We went to Costa Rica over a month and half ago and I am now just getting to go through pictures. Even though Facebook and Instagram make it even easier to post to the net, it’s nice to do this the long form and put some context around the pictures and videos. Instead of trying…

  • Smoky Mountains Vacation 2017

    Smoky Mountains Vacation 2017

    The Shoos haven’t done a proper road trip vacation in a while. Sarah and I have been on many trips to our favorite state of Colorado, but have never ventured further than Nashville in a car with Grayson. With all electronic devices charged we set course to the Smoky Mountains. We booked a modestly equipped…

  • Prairie Days

    This weekend we met up with Grayson’s cousin for Prairie Days. Fried food, questionable clothing, and country music. The kids had fun. +

  • Lincoln Balloon Festival 2015

    On a whim we headed north to the Lincoln Balloon Festival. We met up with Mike, Sarah, and Colbie. It was good times. And there was a special shaped balloon. Darth Vader. Grayson was a big fan of Darth Vader. He started singing his song when he saw it.      

  • St. John – The Sites

    The Shoo family just got back from the US Virgin Islands. We spent a week with my in-laws, and my brother-in-law and his girlfriend. And of course Grayson was along for the trip. Lots of photos and video. Be warned: you’ll wish you would have been there too. I am going to try to break…