

Dear Grayson – 8 Months

Dear Grayson,

You’re almost 8 months old. Incredible to think a year ago you were just this “bug” inside your mommy’s belly. We were full of anticipation and wonder to see what you’d be like. Little boy, you’ve turned our world upside down. In a good way of course.


You smile all the time. This weekend were in Franklin, Tn, visiting your Uncle Sean. We dropped mom off at a local yarn store, which is the worst place we could leave her by herself, and we went to REI to peruse the bikes and outdoor sports gear. While checking out, the cashier noted that you were the happiest baby she’d ever seen. I let her know that your only bad times are when you’re hungry or tired.

After, we stopped to tear mom from the hanks of yarn. She had made friends with the local Knitties and had talked you up. You were smiling, laughing, and jumping up and down in my arms at the Knitties. One lady noted your blond hair and long eye lashes. Mom and dad made a pretty cute kid.

I handed you off to one of the Knitties. You just made her day with giggles and laughs. So far you know no stranger.

The schwag, or #yarnporn for @soozyknits

Mom’s stash from the trip


You are my little guy. As dad, I specialize in bath time. We gave mom a shot at it, but there are just some things dad does well. Mom beats dad out in a lot of other things. But that’s why you have two great parents.

This week you learned that you could crawl in the bath tub. Previously when you tried to get down on all fours, you would slip up and end up taking a mouthful of bath water. But this week you’ve discovered it’s not a problem. Bath time is now play time, crawling up and down the tub, splashing with your hands, and plopping down on your butt from the side of the tub. It’s amazing that I get you clean.


Boy does your mom love you. We’ve been lucky enough that mom has been able to take a leave of absence from her job so she could be with you most of your first year. It’s one of the best things we could do for you.

You’re growing so fast. It’s amazing.









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