

Snow Day!

It snowed this morning. The flakes were coming down quite hard and were pretty large for a while. All-in-all, it appears we got a couple inches. Since it wasn’t a cold snow, Chris and I decided to test out GrayBug’s new snowsuit from his Grandma Fran.

He was a little confused when we first put it on him, and he looked like Randy from A Christmas Story, complete with the inability to put his arms down. Awww, Ralphie!!

Snow Day!

Chris dragged GrayBug around in the wagon, and the dogs followed them. That wagon might be the best purchase we ever made.

Snow Day!

GrayBug wouldn’t hold still long enough for a photo op; he enjoyed the snow way too much.

Snow Day!

GrayBug decided to ham it up for the camera for a picture with me. Sidenote: I knit that hat for him. He’d grown out of all his handknit winter hats, so I made one for him. It might be a bit too big, even for his big ol’ head. Oops.

Snow Day!

Finally got a picture of GrayBug with Dad…and Clancy, just so he didn’t feel neglected.

Snow Day!

I’ve played in snow a-million-and-one times, but it’s funny how different it is when playing with the Bug. Everything is new again because it’s new for him. Even something as simple as catching snowflakes on his tongue was so amazing to him, and watching him be amazed was really entertaining for me (and Chris).

Snow Day!



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