

Category: Dogs

  • A week in Instagram

    I started using Instagram when it first came out with my iPhone 3G. I since moved on to an Android and it wasn’t till this week that it was available for Android. [instapress userid=”gotshoo” piccount=”10″ size=”200″ effect=”0″]

  • Clancy Shoo

    Five years ago (shortly before we were married), Chris and I took Buddy to the St. Patty’s Day parade downtown, and I fell in love. The APL had adoptable dogs walking in the parade, and I saw Clancy and had to have him. We went to the APL that afternoon, and I described the dog…

  • Boo!

    Grayson had a little fun with us tonight. Clancy just might be a jealous puppy.

  • Clancy – bed monger

    Clancy got a little quality time in the bed tonight. He was the “baby” before Grayson was here. We’re getting the feeling he feels a little left out.

  • Watch dog

    Clancy has been Mrs. Shoo’s shadow this week. He has been eerily weird. Not being able to stay in one place, getting as close as possible to Mrs., wanting to explore the house. We think he understands the gig is up as the “baby” of the family. In fact, right now he’s pacing the basement…

  • Peanut-butter dogs

    This is what happens when you leave me to watch dogs. Same could be said about kids.

  • Furry kids

    Buddy Clancy They always say practice on dogs first before having your own kids. We’re hoping they trained us enough for what is coming.

  • Photos from the summer

  • Not Lassie

    Clancy graduated from puppy school. He may not have been top of the class, but he made a lot of progress in 6 weeks. We can see big improvements when friends and family come over to visit. Not always the best behaved dog, he is improving.