

Weeks Two and Three

Our baby is getting bigger and eating us out of house and home already. I’m dreading what our grocery bill will be like when he’s a teenager. If his current eating habits are any indication, we’re both going to have to get part-time jobs to afford him.

Here’s a picture of him at a week old…
Week 1

And at three weeks old, he’s almost as big as his frog…
Week 3

Week 2 with his rocking horse…
Week 2 Picture

And Week 3…
Week 3

He loves his hands, especially his thumb. It’s like he’s hit the lottery when he can get it in his mouth. We can hear him sucking away on his hands and thumb through the monitor at night. He’s also smiling more and more. Granted, it’s only because he’s got gas, but at 2 o’clock in the morning, it doesn’t matter why he’s smiling.

Happy Baby

GrayBug is also much more alert. He knows when his mom or dad is talking, and he turns to figure out where we are. He also focuses on faces and listens when people talk to him. I’ve started reading to him sometimes. He really likes the book “Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes”, I think because it’s very rhythmic. He has a baby faces book that he likes to look at, too.

Mom & Baby

Grayson got to video-chat with his Great-Grandma Mavis this week. He was awake and showing off how alert he is. He also got to spend an evening with his Grandma Dava while Chris and I went out to dinner. Grammy Lynne and Bob played with him while I got my hair done this week, as well. So, he’s been making his rounds with the grandparents.

Bob and Bug

So far, he hates bath time. He screams bloody murder nearly the entire time we bathe him. He does seem to like the end when we wrap him in a fluffy towel and cuddle with him.

After-Bath Thumb

His 2:00 a.m. parties seem to have ended for now. In fact, he seems to have found a sleep schedule. He goes to bed between 9:00 and 10:00, then wakes around 2:00 and 5:00 for a feeding. He’s been waking me up around 8:00 or so for the day. Sometimes I can sneak in breakfast right after he has his, but more often than not, I have to figure out a way to eat one-handed. The kid just hates to be put down. Grammy Lynne says he’s spoiled.

Exercising Lungs



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One response to “Weeks Two and Three”

  1. Great Aunt Catherine Avatar
    Great Aunt Catherine

    Graybug? LOL Loving the updates.